The story behind the name 3rdquarter studio…

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved making art. My grandmother was a portrait painter and my favorite place to be was in her studio…all the colors, smells was magical. As a child I always gravitated to anything crafty. While the right brain was where my heart was at - my left-brained tendencies kept me pretty rooted in what I thought was more practical and more reasonable.

So I studied Marketing in college, all the while secretly wishing I was an art major. I worked in marketing for several years, married my best friend and in my late 20’s I decided to pursue my dream and returned to art school. I. loved. everything. about. it. My studies were cut short after a move back to our hometown - Atlanta, GA. However, I was able to continue to paint and began showing my work at local shows and a gallery on the Westside of Atlanta before that part of town really developed. We started our family and I put my art career on hold for several years and devoted myself to my biggest creative endeavor…raising children. When our kids were in elementary school, I joined forces with two of my best buds and we started BeeGood Design. We specialized in original art for the home, where we each individually painted and showed our work collectively at local shows, festivals and fundraisers for a few years.

It was a great way to dip my toe back into painting - but then the kids hit middle school/ high school and car pool got real and life just got too busy. So I painted on and off and accepted a few word of mouth projects but it wasn’t until my youngest was a junior in high school and I could see empty nesting around the corner that I began to paint full time again. The timing was right and that’s where 3rdQuarter Studio began. I decided to call my business 3rdQuarter Studio because I am in the 3rd Quarter of my life and a ready to see where the next chapter takes me. I didn’t want to wait until it was too late to pursue my dream of being an artist. The name reminds me that you don’t have to wait for things to be perfect before you start…I’ll make mistakes along the way and that’s ok - it’s all part of the journey.